These pages enable a review of these important dates in the history of the League, presented in a way that shows a realistic image of its development and achievements, and of the process of joint Arab action over the years.
Egypt invited Iraq, Trans-Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen to send their representatives to exchange views on the issue of unity. A Preparatory Committee, composed of these representatives in addition to a representative of the Arabs of Palestine, held a two-week meeting in Alexandria thus launching what was known as the “Arab Unity Consultations” phase.
The Arab Unity Consultations led to the signing of the “Alexandria Protocol” by the heads of governments of Egypt, Trans-Jordan, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. This document included the principles for establishing and managing the organization which will group independent Arab states. These principles were later included in the Charter at a later stage. The signing ceremony of the Protocol was held at the Headquarters of the University of Alexandria (then Farouk Ist University). The delegations of Saudi Arabia and Yemen deferred signing the Protocol until their governments took note of the text. Saudi Arabia signed the document on 03/01/1945 followed by Yemen on 05/02/1945.
“The Political Sub-Committee” established upon the recommendation of the “Alexandria Protocol” concluded its work after holding sixteen sessions at the office of the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Alexandria. Its members agreed on the text of the “Charter of the League of Arab States” which was mainly based on the “Alexandria Protocol”.
The Heads of Governments of five Arab states, namely: Iraq, Trans-Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt signed the final version of the “Charter of the League of Arab States”. Saudi Arabia signed the original version at a later stage. The Charter includes twenty articles that define the objectives of the Arab League and the framework of its system of work. The signing ceremony of this historical document took place in the main hall of Al-“Za'faran” Palace in Cairo. The Preparatory Committee decided to call the emerging organization “The League of Arab States” after exhaustive discussions of three proposals, namely: The “Arab Alliance”, “The Arab Federation” and “The Arab League”.
Mr. Abdel-Rahman Azzam was appointed Secretary-General of the League of Arab States (1945-1952).
The Government of Yemen signed the Charter in San’aa thus ranking seventh among the founding signatories of the Arab League.
Entry into force of The Charter of the League of Arab States
The “Cultural Treaty among Member States of the League of Arab States” was concluded. This is the first contractual document expressing solidarity among member states and emphasizing the paramount importance of culture in forming Arab public awareness. Hence, member states emphasized, in the preamble of the Treaty, that the objective of this Treaty was to promote “intellectual and spiritual affinity among nationals of Arab countries, promoting universal education and raising the cultural standard of their peoples”.
Kings and Heads of State of member states of the Arab League held a Summit Conference in “Inshas”, Egypt, where they declared their intention to conduct “consultations, cooperation and work in unity and harmony for the welfare of the Arab World”, and the “importance of using all possible means to help Arab peoples who are still under foreign rule to gain their freedom and fulfill their national aspirations in order to become active members in the League of Arab States and the United Nations.
The “Civil Aviation Treaty among Member States of the Arab League” was declared after its ratification by the Council. This Treaty was amended more than once to define the air freedoms mentioned in the Articles of the Treaty.
The Council of the League of Arab States agreed to establish the “Arab Postal Union” at the LAS General Secretariat. According to this treaty, member states become one postal region with regard to exchanging letters and postal services.
The Council of the League of Arab States announced its approval of the text of the “Joint Defense and Economic Cooperation Treaty” which was later signed by representatives of Syria, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Egypt and Yemen on 17/6/1950. The representatives of Iraq and Jordan, however, signed on 2/2/1951 and 16/2/1952 respectively. By virtue of this treaty the Economic Council” was established. This Council later became the “Economic and Social Council” to be entrusted with the achievement of the economic and social objectives of the Arab League and its Specialized Agencies.
The League of Arab States received the first real recognition from the United Nations by virtue of a General Assembly Resolution requesting the United Nations Secretary General to invite the Arab League Secretary-General to attend the General Assembly sessions as observer.
The “Joint Defense and Economic Cooperation Treaty” entered into force after reaching the required number of ratifications by member states. According to Article “13” the Treaty enters into force after fifteen days from the date after at least four member states have deposited their instruments of ratification with the General Secretariat.
An agreement on “Judicial summons and Substitution among members of the League of Arab States”, another on “Extradition of Fugitive Criminals” and a third on “The Nationality of Arab nationals in Countries other than their countries of Origin” were concluded.
Mr. Mohamed Abdel-Khalek Hassouna was appointed Secretary-General (1952-1972) of the League of Arab States.
Libya joined the League of Arab States.
The Council of the League of Arab States adopted the “Agreement on Payments of Commercial Transactions and Transfer of Capital among Member States”. According to this agreement no exceptional fees or taxes are levied on capital transferred from one Arab country to another to prevent its transfer. This agreement was amended later in 1945 and 1959.
The Agreement establishing “The Arab Union for Communications and Telecommunications” was concluded. The Union started its work at its Headquarters in Cairo in 1957 until it was abolished in 1978 to avoid the overlapping of its terms of reference with other LAS specialized organs.
The Council of the League of Arab States established an organ for publicity composed of a main Department at the General Secretariat and branch offices abroad.
The Council of the League of Arab States approved the “Agreement on Nationality” which regulates cooperation in matters related to nationality and coins a definition for “the Arab Citizen”.
The Council of the League of Arab States decided to participate with the General Secretariat in the “Bandung Conference on Afro-Asian Solidarity” which laid the foundation for the of Non-Aligned Movement.
The Arab Information Centre opened in New York.
The Establishment of the “Arab Broadcasting Union” in Cairo. It was later transferred to Tunis which became its permanent seat. The objective of this Union is to strengthen the spirit of Arab fraternity, develop common trends through coordinating programs and activities of Member States broadcasting Services. It broadened the scope of its activities to include television programs.
The Economic Council adopts an agreement on the “Standard Nomenclature of tariffs Among Arab League Member States” in line with the common trend to facilitate commercial exchange and regulate transit trade whose tariff will be fixed according to this table.
The Arab League Council approved the text of the “Agreement on Cooperation between the League of Arab States and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)”.
An Arab Summit was held in Beirut upon the invitation of the Lebanese Government to express solidarity with Egypt in the wake of the tripartite aggression and to highlight Arab support to the Algerian people in their struggle for independence and freedom.
The Republic of the Sudan acceded to the Arab League.
The Economic Council ratified the “Agreement on Economic Unity among Member States of the League of Arab States” which aims at regulating economic relations among member sates until complete economic unity is gradually achieved. This Agreement should guarantee freedom of mobility of individuals and capital, freedom of exchanging national and foreign goods and products; freedom of residence, work, employment, practicing economic activities; freedom of mobility, transiting and using means of transport, harbors, civil airports; rights of ownership, of making wills and of heritage. Hence, this agreement was an important and advanced step on the course of achieving effective economic unity whose effects will be felt in the different walks of the life of peoples living in member states.
The “Agreement on Cooperation between the League of Arab States and the International Labor Organization” was signed in Geneva.
The Tunisian Republic joined to the League of Arab States.
The Kingdom of Morocco joined to the League of Arab States.
The Arab League Council agreed to establish the “Standing Committee of Arab Information”, composed of heads of Arab Information Agencies. This Committee will be entrusted with drawing up the general policy of joint Arab Information and the coordination of efforts exerted by member states in this field.
The “Agreement on the Coordination of Oil Policy” was adopted by Arab League Member States.
The Permanent Headquarters of the League of Arab States, located in Tahrir Square, Cairo, was inaugurated on the commemoration of the fifteenth Anniversary of LAS.
The Agreement on establishing “The Arab Organization for Social Defense against Crime” in Cairo was approved. The seat of this Organization was later moved to Rabat in 1981. This Agreement was amended in 1976 and 1984. It was later abolished and its terms of reference were entrusted to the General Secretariat of the Council of Arab Ministers of the Interior.
A “Cooperation Agreement was signed between the League of Arab States and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)”.
The Arab League Council approved the Agreement on Establishing the Arab Organization for Administrative Development with the aim of contributing to administrative development in the Arab World so as to serve comprehensive development issues.
The State of Kuwait joined the Arab League.
A Cooperation Agreement was concluded between the Arab League and the World Health Organization.
The Arab League Council agreed to establish an LAS Office in Jerusalem.
The Popular, Democratic Republic of Algeria joined to the League of Arab States.
The “Agreement on the Civil Aviation Council of Arab States” was approved. It was amended later more that once.
Member Sates approved the “Agreement on Exchanging the First and Second Freedoms to Civil Aircrafts” so that aircrafts belonging to any member state would have the right to cross the airspace of any other member state without having to land. They also have the right to land in international airports for commercial purposes.
The Arab League Council established a Mediation Committee composed of representatives from Tunisia, Lebanon, Libya and Egypt in addition to the Chairman of the Council and the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States to find a peaceful settlement of the dispute between Morocco and Algeria.
The “Arab Company for Maritime Navigation” and the “Arab Company for Oil Tankers” were established by virtue of an Economic Council Resolution.
The “First Arab Summit” was held at the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States. It issued a resolution to convene the Council of Kings and Heads of State of member countries at least once a year. This decision confers an institutional character on the mechanism of summit conferences due to the absence of any relevant reference in the provisions of the Arab League Charter.
The First Session of the Council of Arab Ministers of Information was held in implementation of the Arab Summit Resolution in January 1964 to draw up an Arab collective information plan to highlight and promote Arab issues.
The Council of the League of Arab States approved the “Charter of the Arab Cultural Unity”, the "Charter of the Arab Teacher” and the “Constitution of the Arab Education, Culture and Science Organization”. In the text of the Charter of Arab Cultural Unity Member States emphasized that it was a “response to a feeling of natural unity among citizens of the Arab Nation, out of belief in the unity of thought and culture as a basic pillar that support Arab unity. The preservation of Arab cultural heritage and its transfer to successive generations and its continuous modernization guarantees the coherence of the Arab Nation to enable it play its natural creative role in the domain of human civilization and global peace based on justice, freedom and equality.
The “Second Arab Summit Conference” was held in Alexandria during which it was decided to hold the annual meeting of the “Council of Kings and Heads of State of Member Countries” during the month of September every year. The Conference welcomed the formation of the Palestine Liberation Organization, and decided to establish the Arab Council for Atomic Research for peaceful purposes and the setting up of an Arab Court of Justice.
The Council of the League of Arab States established a committee under the chairmanship of the Secretary-General of LAS and the membership of representatives from Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Yemen to unify efforts exerted by Arab national militants and to close their ranks against British occupation.
The Secretary-General attended, in observer capacity, the Summit Conference of the Non-aligned Movement” held in Cairo and was invited to deliver a statement in the inaugural session.
The First Meeting of the “Council of Heads of Arab Governments” was held at the General Secretariat of the Arab League in implementation of the Resolution of the Second Arab Summit.
The Council of the Arab League approved the “Arab Cooperation Agreement on the Use of Atomic Energy” in implementation of the Resolution of the Alexandria Summit providing for the “establishment of an Arab Joint Scientific Council for the Use of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes within the Framework of the League of Arab States”.
The “Constitution of the Arab Labor Organization” and the “Charter of Arab Labor” were adopted in an effort to realize social justice and raise the standard of the labor force in the Arab World.
The “Arab Institute for Petroleum Research” was established as a scientific organization enjoying legal personality within the framework of the Arab League.
The “Arab Agreement on Labor Standards” was adopted according to Article “2” of the Charter of the League of Arab States and in implementation of Article “4” of the Arab Labor Charter.
The Fourth Arab Summit Conference was held in Khartoum after the 1967 war. This conference emphasized the importance of Arab unity and collective action among Arab countries and the need for coordination and settling any differences within Arab ranks.
The People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen joined the League of Arab States (it was later united with the Arab Republic of Yemen on 22/05/1990).
The Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) was established. Its main objective was to promote cooperation among member states in different domains of economic activities of the oil industry, to decide upon the best ways and means to protect the legitimate interests of its members in this domain and to unify all efforts to ensure the delivery of oil to consumer markets at fair and reasonable prices.
The “Joint Arab Film Organization” was established and its statutes approved.
The “Agreement on the Movement of Labor among Member States” was signed.
The “Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development” was established with its seat in Kuwait in accordance with the Resolution of the Fourth Arab Summit Conference and upon the proposal of the State of Kuwait.
The “Arab Centre for Arid and Semi-arid Areas” was established in Damascus.
Member States approved a “Special Agreement to Facilitate the Movement of Audio-visual equipment of a Special Educational, Cultural and Scientific Character”.
The Fifth Arab Summit Conference was held in Rabat.
The “Arab Organization for Agricultural Development” was established with its Headquarters in Khartoum.
The Kingdom of Bahrain joined The League of Arab States.
The State of Qatar joined The League of Arab States.
The Sultanate of Oman joined The League of Arab States.
An “Agreement of Cooperation between the League of Arab States and the International Atomic Energy Agency” was concluded.
The United Arab Emirates joined the League of Arab States.
The Council of the League of Arab States approved the draft “Standard Law of Civil Aviation”.
The first Conference of Arab Ministers of Social Affairs issued the “Arab Charter of Social Action”.
Mr. Mahmoud Riad is appointed Secretary-General of the League of Arab States (1972-1979).
The “Agreement of Mutual Cooperation and Assistance between the Arab League and the Afro-Asian Organization for Rural Welfare” was signed at the Headquarters of the General Secretariat.
The Sixth Arab Summit was held in Algiers after the October War to reaffirm Arab solidarity and strengthen Afro-Arab cooperation. The “Arab Promotion Fund” was established to provide funds needed for joint Arab information activities.
The Islamic Republic of Mauritania joined the League of Arab States.
The Sixth Arab Summit Conference decided to establish the “Arab Fund for Economic Development in Africa” to emphasize the determination of member states to meet the basic requirements for strengthening Afro-Arab Cooperation. The Seventh Arab Summit Conference decided to opt for Khartoum as the Headquarters of the Fund.
The Republic of Somalia joined the League of Arab States.
The Seventh Arab Summit held its meeting in Riyadh and decided to accredit the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian People and confirmed the right of the Palestinian people to establish an independent national authority under the leadership of the PLO on any part of its territory that would be liberated. It is incumbent upon Arab states to support this Authority, once it is established, in all domains and at all levels.
The establishment of the “Arab Fund for Technical Assistance to African Countries” was declared with a capital amounting to million to be affiliated to the General Secretariat of the Arab League. It is entrusted with the task of providing African states with the requirements of development programs including experts and advisory services.
The “Arab Academy for Maritime Transport” was established in Alexandria to provide Arab States with their requirements, including skilled and specialized cadres, in all fields of maritime transport and navigation. Its name was later changed to “The Arab Academy for Science and Technology” after broadening its specializations and enhancing its curricula and training programs.
The Council of Arab Ministers of Health was established as a specialized ministerial council under the umbrella of the League of Arab States.
The “Arab Institute for Space Communication” (ARABSAT) was established with its Headquarters in Riyadh. Its aim was to provide a network of space services by using an Arab satellite for communication, information and culture. Its objectives include transmission of television and radio programs among competent authorities in Member States.
The “Arab Monetary Fund” was established with its Headquarters in Abu Dhabi. The main idea behind its establishment was to form, in addition to the “Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development”, an institutionalized system similar to the “International Monetary Fund” and the “International Bank for Reconstruction and Development”.
Palestine, represented by the Palestine Liberation Organization, became a full-fledged member of the League of Arab States.
An Extraordinary Six-state Summit Conference was held in Riyadh to discuss the situation in Lebanon and means of restoring normal life therein in addition to forming Arab security forces known later as “Arab Deterrent Force.”
The “Agreement for Regulating Transit Transport among Arab League Member States” was adopted.
The Council of the League of Arab States decided to modernize the “Economic Council” established by virtue of the Treaty of Joint Defense, which later became the “Economic and Social Council”. It is composed of competent ministers or their representatives and entrusted with the task of fulfilling the goals of the Arab League in the economic and social domains and to supervise the establishment of specialized organizations and to follow up their performance.
The Republic of Djibouti joined the League of Arab States.
The “Council of Arab Ministers of Youth and Sports” was established as a specialized council under the umbrella of the Arab League.
The Arab Organization for “Industrial Development and Minerology” was established.
The Ninth Arab Summit Conference was held in Baghdad and decided to transfer the Headquarters of the General Secretariat to Tunis temporarily.
The “Agreement on unscheduled flights among Arab Countries” was adopted. This agreement gives each member state the right for its aircrafts to fly across the airspace of other member states or to land in their airports for non-commercial purposes without prior permit.
The “Arab Company for Fisheries” was established by virtue of a Resolution of the Economic and Social Council.
Mr. Al-Shazli-Al-Qlibi was appointed Secretary-General of the League of Arab States (1979-1990).
The Agreement on “Mutual Exemptions of Taxes and Dues on the Activities and Equipment of the Arab Air Transport Institutions” was approved.
The Tenth Arab Summit Conference was held in Tunis and adopted the principle of holding periodical Summit Conferences in Member States according to alphabetical order.
The Arab Organization for Tourism was established.
The “Council of Arab Ministers of Social Affairs” was established as a specialized ministerial council under the umbrella of LAS.
The Eleventh Arab Summit Conference was held in Jordan, Amman.
The “Standard Agreement for the Investment of Arab Capital in Arab States” was concluded.
The “Charter of the National Economic Action” was issued following the approval of the final version by the Eleventh Summit. According to this Charter, Arab States should separate their “joint economic action from Arab disputes or temporary political disagreements”. Member States pledge to guarantee a maximum level of stability and development of Arab economic relations while observing the principle of complete preferential treatment of commodities and services, factors of production and joint projects.
The nineteen eighties were declared as the “Decade for Joint Arab Development” at the Amman Summit.
The “Agreement on Facilitating and Promoting Commercial Exchange among Arab Member States” was approved.
The First Fez Summit Conference was held.
The “Arab Atomic Energy Agency” was established according to Article "52" of the “Arab Cooperation Agreement on the Use of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes” and in the light of Resolution “4149” of the Arab League Council dated 26/03/1982. The agency aims at harnessing nuclear science and technology for the development of Arab society while keeping pace with scientific and technological progress in the world.
The Fez Summit resumed its meeting to ratify the “Arab Peace” Project based on the draft proposed by the Tunisian President Al-Habib Bourguiba in order to find a solution to the Palestinian issue and according to the project proposed by the Custodian of the two Holy Mosques, King Fahd Ibn Abdel Aziz to establish peace in the Middle East. The Summit also agreed to establish a ministerial committee to study the proposed amendment of the Charter and related regulations.
The Council of the “Arab Ministers of Justice” was established as a specialized Council under the umbrella League of Arab States.
The Council of the “Arab Ministers of the Interior” was established as a specialized council under the umbrella of LAS. A General Secretariat for this Council was established in Tunis. An "Arab Security Information Centre” was later added thereto.
The Council of “Arab Minister of Housing and Reconstruction” was established as a specialized council under the umbrella of LAS.
"The following two agreements were ratified: - The Agreement on Cooperation between the League of Arab States and the Organization of African Unity - The Statutes of the Afro-Arab Cultural Institute"
Algiers was chosen as the permanent seat of the “Arab Institute for Translation”.
The Statutes of the “Arab Federation for Military Sports” were approved with its seat at the General Secretariat of LAS.
The Economic and Social Council announces the establishment of the “Arab Investment Court” according to the provisions of the “Standard Agreement for Investment of Arab Capital”. This judicial Authority is specialized in settling disputes among member states regarding the application of the provisions of the said agreement.
The Council of Arab Ministers of transport was established as a specialized ministerial council under the umbrella of the Arab League.
An Extraordinary Arab Summit was held in Casablanca and decided to establish two committees to clear the atmosphere among Arab states.
The final version of the Cooperation Agreement between the Arab League and the Organization of African Unity was ratified.
The meeting of the “Standing Committee for Afro-Arab Cooperation” was held in Damascus.
The program of work of the “Committee on Standardization of Arab Legislations” was ratified and a time-table for executing this task was adopted.
The League of Arab States welcomed the idea of establishing a “Euro-Arab University” in Spain.
The “Council of Arab Ministers responsible for Environmental Affairs” was established and its statutes were adopted by the Council.
The Agreement on “Arab Cooperation for Organizing and Facilitating Relief Operations in case of Natural Disasters and Emergencies” was concluded.
An Extraordinary Arab Summit was held in Amman, Jordan, which reaffirmed the importance of holding Summit Conferences periodically.
The Arab League Council invited member states to participate in the International Seville Fair and allocate a special pavilion for the Arab League.
The Arab League Council approved the draft “Agreement on Cooperation between the League of Arab States and the United Nations”.
An Extraordinary Arab Summit Conference was held in Casablanca, upon the initiative of King Hassan II, and welcomed Egypt to resume its full-fledge membership in the Arab League and all its affiliated organizations, institutions and councils.
The Council of Arab Ministers of Communications was established as a specialized council under the umbrella of the Arab League.
The Arab League Council decided to announce, at its forthcoming session in September of the same year, the return of the General Secretariat from its temporary seat in Tunis to its permanent seat in Cairo.
The Arab League Council agrees to organize the First Afro-Arab Trade Fair in Tunis.
An Extraordinary Arab Summit Conference was held in Baghdad and decided to take action to promote Euro-Arab Dialogue, strengthen relations between the Arab World and Europe and to pursue efforts to hold a Euro-Arab Summit. The conference issued a resolution agreeing upon the month of November for holding the annual ordinary summit conferences. These conferences will be held at the Headquarters of the League of Arab States in case no other member state offers to host the conference.
An Extraordinary Arab Summit was held in Cairo to examine the situation after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and calls upon Iraq to withdraw its forces from Kuwait. The Conference reaffirms the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Kuwait.
The General Secretariat of the League of Arab States was transferred from its temporary seat in Tunis to its permanent seat in Cairo.
Dr. Ahmed Esmet Abdel-Meguid, was appointed Secretary-General (1991-2001).
The League of Arab States, represented by its Council, welcomed the peace process in the Middle East and supported Arab positions in different phases of negotiations prior to the convening of the Madrid Peace Conference.
The Council of the League of Arab States approved the “Agreement on Cooperation between the League of Arab States and the Islamic Development Bank”.
The Council of the League of Arab States approved the “Agreement on Cooperation between the Arab League and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)".
The Secretary-General of LAS attended the First United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (The Earth Summit Conference) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, which is considered a turning point in the way the United Nations views environment and development.
The Arab League Council agrees on the “Tunis Declaration on Principles of Combating Maritime Fraud in Arab Countries”.
The Arab League Council approved the “Agreement on Cooperation between the League of Arab States and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).
The “Agreement on Drawing the Frontiers between Yemen and the Sultanate of Oman is deposited with the Secretariat General of the League”.
On the occasion of the 48th Anniversary of establishing the Arab League the Secretary-General proposed an “Arab Comprehensive Reconciliation Initiative” in a message submitted to the kings and heads of member states.
The Arab League Council established a 7-member state committee to conduct urgent and necessary contacts with different international parties with the aim of finding a solution for the Libyan-Western crisis over the Lockerbie issue.
The Statutes of the “Council of Arab Ministers of Information”, were ratified as one of the specialized ministerial councils of the League of Arab States.
The Arab League Council approved the Declaration on “Development, Indebtedness and Human Rights.”
The United Republic of Comoros joined the League of Arab States.
The Council of Arab Ministers in charge of electricity was established as a specialized ministerial council of the League of Arab States.
The Arab Charter for Human Rights was declared.
The Secretary-General was invited to attend the Economic Summit for the Middle East and North Africa held in Casablanca under the auspices of King Hassan II of Morocco.
The Secretary-General participated in the Seventh Islamic Summit Conference held in Casablanca.
The Council of the League of Arab States decided that every Arab member should deposit a copy of all bilateral agreements concluded with another Arab member state.
The Council of the League of Arab States decided to establish a “Centre for Technical and Legal Studies on Water Resources” in Damascus to realize Arab Aquatic Security.
The Extraordinary Arab Summit Conference held in Cairo assigned the Economic and Social Council of LAS to take necessary measures to speed up the setting up of the Greater Arab Free Trade Zone.
The Final Declaration of the Extraordinary Arab Summit emphasized the intention of Arab countries to proceed with the peace process with the aim of realizing just and comprehensive peace as a strategic goal and option under international legitimacy and on the basis of the principles of the peace process, foremost among which are the relevant Security Council Resolutions and the principle of land for peace, and recovering the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.
The Council of the League of Arab States approved the executive program adopted by the Economic and Social Council for declaring the establishment of setting up the Greater Arab Free-Trade Zone as of 01/01/1998.
The Council of the League of Arab States declares its rejection and condemnation of the U.S. Congress Resolution acknowledging Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel.
The Council of Arab Ministers of Tourism starts functioning after the approval of its statutes by the Council of the League.
1998 was declared as an Information year of the cause of the Palestinian Refugees.
"The Arab League Council approves the following:
- The Agreement on Cooperation between the League of Arab States and the United Nations High Commission for Refugees
- The Agreement on Cooperation between the League of Arab States and the United Nations Development Program"
The League of Arab States held a celebration at its Headquarters in honour of Dr. Ahmed Zoweil for having received the Nobel Award in Chemistry.
The Extraordinary Arab Summit Conference, held in Cairo, approved the Annex to the Arab League Charter on the periodical meetings of the Arab League Council at the Summit level. It agrees on considering the Annex as a supplement to the Charter. (The Arab League Council has been meeting regularly at the Summit level once a year in March as of 2001).
The Jerusalem “Intifada Fund” and the “Al-Aqsa Fund” were established.
The Extraordinary Arab Summit Conference held in Cairo emphasized the importance of promoting joint Arab action in addition to supporting, enhancing and developing the Arab League and its organs in preparation them for their future national role.
A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Arab League and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in addition to establishing an Intellectual Property Unit within the General Secretariat.
Approval of the coordination plan between the General Secretariat of the Arab League and the General Secretariat of the Council of Arab Ministers of the Interior for combating the phenomenon of terrorism at the Arab and international levels.
The Council of the Arab League, meeting at the Summit level at its 13th Session in Amman, unanimously agreed on the appointment of Mr. Amr Moussa as Secretary-General of the League of Arab States.
Kings, heads of state and princes of Arab states, meeting at the Summit in Amman in 2001, expressed great interest and keenness to enhance the structure, methods and mechanisms of joint Arab action. The Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, Mr. Amr Moussa, was entrusted with taking necessary measures to modernize and develop these methods.
The Council of the Arab League meeting at the ministerial level agrees on establishing the Arab Organization for Communication and Information Technology as a governmental organization working under the umbrella of the Arab League with the aim of promoting cooperation among Arab states in the field of communication and information technology.
The Council of the League of Arab States meeting in its 116th Ordinary Session agrees on “establishing the Organization of Arab Women” with the aim of empowering women and enhancing their status. The agreement entered into force on 01/03/2003.
The Arab League expressed its complete rejection of the phenomenon of international terrorism. It emphasized the importance of concerted efforts to address and eradicate terrorism. This could not be achieved, however, without taking a just and comprehensive decision with regards the Arab-Israeli conflict.
As a result of the September 11 events a Conference was held on “Dialogue of Civilizations: Communication not Conflict” which included 70 Arab scholars and intellectuals with the aim of discussing and determining means for encouraging a new inter-Arab dialogue as well as an international-Arab dialogue.
The Council of the League of Arab States, meeting at the Summit level at its 14th Session in Beirut, adopts the Saudi initiative as an “Arab Peace Initiative”.
The “Charter of Joint Arab Information Action” was adopted.
The Fist Report on Human Development in Arab Countries was launched in a joint meeting organized by the League of Arab States and the United Nations Development Program.
The Secretary-General of the Arab League attended the World Summit for Sustainable Development in Johannesburg.
The First Forum on Arab Human Development was held at the League’s Headquarters in Cairo in cooperation between the General-Secretariat of the Arab League (The Community Development and Social Services Department) and the United Nations Development Program (The Regional Office for Arab countries).
The Council of the Arab League meeting at the Summit level in its 15th session in Sharm-al-Sheikh stresses the importance of finding a solution to the Iraqi crisis through peaceful means within the framework of international legitimacy.
The Council of the Arab League, meeting at the ministerial level, decided to establish “The Arab Institute for Translation” in an attempt to remedy the shortage in the field of translation in the Arab World. The Socialist Popular Democratic Republic of Algeria declared offering special facilities for establishing this Institute in its capital Algiers.
The First Arab American Economic Forum was held in Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A., with broad Arab-American participation amidst many expectations and aspirations to clear up the general atmosphere of Arab-American relations.
The first phase of the World Summit on the Information Society started in Geneva with the participation of the Arab League.
The Secretary General of the Arab League presented a draft resolution to the General Assembly on referring the issue of the Separation Wall to the International Court of Justice. The resolution was adopted by the majority of the United Nations General Assembly.
The Popular Democratic Republic of Algeria, in cooperation with the General-Secretariat and the Arab Organization for Education, Culture and Science requests that a comprehensive study be made on the “Linguistic Treasure Project” which aims at establishing a data bank for the Arab cultural heritage and old Arab texts in addition to international scientific achievements published in Arabic. This project has two main aspects, namely, the cultural aspect and the linguistic aspect.
The establishment of the “Arab Parliament” was approved as one of the proposals for enhancing the mechanisms of joint Arab action.
A high-level delegation from the General Secretariat participated in monitoring Algerian presidential elections in an attempt to strengthen democracy.
A high-level delegation from the General-Secretariat participated in monitoring the legislative elections of the United Republic of Comoros. The delegation played a distinctive role commended by delegations of other international organizations. Moreover, it had a favorable impact on the public opinion in the Comoros.
The Council of the Arab League meeting at Summit level in its 16th Session in the Tunisian Republic issued a document under the title: “Pledge of Entente and Solidarity among Arab Leaders”, and a political declaration on the “Process of Development and Modernization in the Arab World.” The Council ratified the “Arab Charter of Human Rights”, a document on the Rights of the Arab Child and another document on launching the Arab Decade (2004-2013) to care for people with special needs.
Mrs. Nancy Bakir becomes the first woman to assume the position of Assistant Secretary-General of the League of Arab States.
The 22nd of November is declared the Arab Expatriate Day.
“Arab participation in the Frankfurt International Book Fair 2004.” A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Arab League and the management of the Book Fair by virtue of which the Arab World became a guest of honor and the focus of the Book Fair for the whole year of 2004.
A high-level delegation from the General Secretariat participated in monitoring the presidential elections which took place in the Tunisian Republic along with a number of local and foreign observers.
The Greater Arab Free-Trade Zone enters its final phase. All custom duties imposed on commodities of Arab origin and exchanged among Arab member states reached zero-level.
The Arab Summit meeting in its 17th session in Algiers decided to establish an Organ to follow up the implementation of resolutions and commitments. It is composed of representatives of a “Troika” from member states chairing the Council of the Arab League at the ministerial level.
The Council of the Arab League meeting at the Summit level in its 17th Session in the Popular Democratic Republic of Algeria introduced a number of major amendments on the Charter of the League of Arab States to facilitate the decision-making process and the principle of unanimity is replaced by that of consensus. In case no consensus is reached voting should be by a two third-majority on substantive issues and by simple majority on procedural matters.
The Seventeenth Arab Summit in Algiers approved the “Arab Strategy for the Family” as a modern Arab guideline document to be used by member states in developing or reviewing national family strategies.
A high-level delegation from the General Secretariat participated in supervising the election process in the Republic of Djibouti.
The First Summit of Heads of State of South American Countries and Heads of State of Arab Countries was held in Brasilia to promote relations between the two regions.
A high-level delegation from the General Secretariat participated in monitoring the Ethiopian elections to strengthen historical relations that unite the Arab and the Ethiopian peoples.
The Agreement on the Establishment of the Arab Organization for Information and Communication Technology enters into force.
The Arab League takes part in the events of the Second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society in Tunis.
The Preparatory Conference for Iraqi National Reconciliation was held with the participation of Iraqi political forces from different factions of the population. The participants examined preparations required for convening the said conference, which was scheduled to be held in Baghdad, as a response to the invitation of the Secretary-General of the Arab League Mr. Amr. Moussa.
The Secretary-General of the Arab League Mr. Amr Moussa, entrusted the Chief of the Arab League mission in Moscow to take part in supervising the Parliamentary elections in Chechnya along with 1,000 local and foreign observers who participated in this event.
"The First Session of the Arab Transitional Parliament was held at the Headquarters of the General Secretariat in implementation of the relevant Summit resolution held in Tunis in 2004. The Parliament issued Resolution (1) which stated that: “Pendingl the adoption of the rules of procedure and formation of the Bureau, the Arab Parliament shall have a Bureau composed of the chairman and three vice-chairmen to be elected by the majority and by secret ballot.
It was unanimously agreed to elect Mr. Mohamed Gassem Al-Sakr, Chief of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Kuwaiti National Council, for the post of Speaker of the Arab transitional Parliament."
The Euro-Arab Dialogue Forum was launched as a new mechanism to promote collective relations between the Arab and European regions.
The Council of the Arab League meets at the Summit level, in its 18th session in Khartoum, the Republic of Sudan.
The First Forum of Euro-Arab Dialogue was held at the “Institut du Monde Arabe” in Paris under the moto “Towards an Arab-European Strategic Partnership”.
The First Arab Conference on Family Health and Population was held in the General Secretariat of the Arab League.
The Secretary-General takes part in the celebration of the sixth centennial of the death of the Arab historian Ibn Khaldoun, organized by the Andalusian Heritage Foundation in cooperation with the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the City of Seville under the patronage of His Majesty King Juan Carlos of Spain.
The Secretary-General of the Arab League Mr. Amr Moussa participated in the signing ceremony of the Agreement Establishing the Arab Home in Madrid and the International Institute for Arab and Islamic World Studies in Cordova by the Spanish Authorities.
The Second Session of the Arab-American Economic Forum is held in Huston, Texas, U.S.A.
The Council of the Arab League, meeting at the ministerial level in an Extraordinary Session, condemns the Israeli aggression on Lebanon and calls upon the Security Council to examine the Arab-Israeli conflict in a full and comprehensive manner. It entrusts the Chairmanship of the Council, the Arab Peace Initiative Committee and the Secretary-General to coordinate and conduct necessary contacts in this regards.
The Secretary General of the Arab League welcomed the signing of the “Mecca Al-Mukarrama Document” to put an end to acts of violence and bloodshed in Iraq according to the teachings of Islam. These teachings should be strictly observed to stop fighting among Muslims and to call for strengthening national and religious unity to safeguard Iraqi’s unity, independence and sovereignty.
The Conference of Arab authors and writers was held in the Arab League in recognition of the lofty mission of Arab literary figures and their creative ability which is the path that would allow the Arab Nation to progress and restore its values and principles.
The Arab League celebrates the first anniversary of establishing the Arab Transitional Parliament.
The Secretary-General of the League of Arab States inaugurated the Arab Cultural Year by declaring Algiers as the Arab Cultural Capital for 2007.
The Secretary-General of the League of Arab States participated in the World Economic Forum held annually in Davos, Switzerland, and organized by a research centre carrying the same name. It is the meeting point of decision-makers and opinion leaders from all over the world.
The President of Kazakhstan visited the League of Arab States.
The Council of the League of Arab States, meets at the Summit level, at its 19th Ordinary Session in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It called for holding consultative summits to tackle issues of urgent nature that require consultation. It also called for implementing the Arab Peace Initiative adopted at the Beirut Summit in 2002 and holding an Arab Summit to discuss economic, social and development issues.
The President of Armenia visited the League of Arab States.
The President of Uzbekistan visited the League of Arab States.
The Secretary-General of the League of Arab States took part in the enlarged Foreign Ministers meeting of neighborly countries of Iraq, including Egypt, Bahrain and the five permanent member states of the U.N. Security Council held in Sharm-el-Sheikh on the reconstruction of Iraq, extending assistance to its people and government to restore internal stability, promote political dialogue and support its sovereignty and independence. The meeting affirmed the readiness of the Arab League to support the Iraqi national reconciliation process.
The President of Azerbaijan visited the League of Arab States.
The Ministers of Health of the Gulf Cooperation Council signed the Kuwait Declaration to combat Diabetes at their sixty-third meeting held in Geneva on the sideline of the meeting of the World Health Organization. The Secretary-General called for the adoption of this Declaration as an official document of the Arab League.
The League of Arab States took part in the proceedings of the Middle East World Economic Forum held in the Dead Sea Region.
The President of the Republic of Ghana visited the League of the Arab States.
The President of the Republic of Chad visited the League of Arab States.
The Council of the League of Arab States, meeting at the ministerial level in its extraordinary session, decided to establish a fact-finding committee to examine developments in Gaza between Fatah and Hamas movements. The committee is composed of representatives from the Summit Chair (Saudi Arabia), Arab Foreign Ministers Council Chair (Tunisia), besides Egypt, Jordan and Qatar.
The League of Arab States participated in the Ambrosetti World Economic Forum held in the resort of Como, Italy. This important annual event was attended by more than 200 experts in economic, political and strategic affairs in addition to a number of senior officials from different parts of the world to discuss the new and rapidly unfolding challenges that confront the world.
The League of Arab States, in coordination with the Chinese Council for the Development of International Trade, organized the Arab-Chinese Cooperation Forum in Amman, Jordan, under the slogan “Strengthening Cooperation – A Flourishing Partnership” organized by The Arab Businessmen Association, the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture in Arab countries and the Jordanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
The Secretary-General of the League of Arab States started his mission in Lebanon to reconcile and settle differences among various Lebanese parties in order to elect the President of the Republic in implementation of the Resolution of the Extraordinary Ministerial Meeting of the League of Arab States.
In implementation of the Khartoum Summit Resolution of 2006 and Riyadh Summit Resolution of 2007 the Arab Peace and Security Council was established after seven Arab states have deposited their instruments of ratification with the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States. This constitutes an important addition for promoting joint Arab Action since the Council is a mechanism for containing and managing crises and disagreements with a view to realizing security and stability in Arab countries.
An Extraordinary Foreign Ministers Meeting of the Council of the League of Arab Sates was held under the chairmanship of Tunisia and devoted to the discussion and assessment of the outcome of the Arab efforts and contacts to activate the peace process as well as the developments which had occurred lately.
The General Secretariat took part in the first meeting of Ministers responsible for development and social affairs in Arab and South American States held at its headquarters upon the invitation of the Arab Republic of Egypt within the framework of the follow-up of the outcome of the Arab-South American Summit.
The President of Austria visited the League of Arab States.
The Arab Meeting for Supporting and Addressing the Humanitarian Situation in Darfur is held in implementation of the Riyadh Summit Resolution of 2007 which called upon member states, Joint Arab organizations, Arab financing and investment funds, chambers of commerce, Arab private sector and civil society organizations to contribute in providing basic needs of the population as a result of the Darfur warfare.
The Secretary-General of the League of Arab States signed the Framework Agreement for the Arab-Turkish Cooperation Forum in Istanbul which aims at realizing continuous progress and active follow-up of relations between the Arab countries and Turkey.
The Secretary-General of the League of Arab States announced in a press conference the launching of the preparatory work of an Economic, Development and Social Summit as decided by the last Riyadh Summit. He emphasizes the keenness of the Arab League to achieve the objectives of that Summit.
The League of Arab States, in conjunction with the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, organized the meeting on Arab-Japanese dialogue held at the Bibliotheca with the participation of political figures, businessmen, Arab and Japanese intellectuals to reflect the keenness of the Arab League to promote dialogue and closer ties between the Arab and other Asian civilizations.
The Council of the League of Arab States, meeting at the ministerial level in its Extraordinary session, decided to accept the invitation to attend the International Peace Conference in Annapolis, U.S.A., after the acceptance of the Arab request by the American Administration of the Arab request to include the Syrian and Lebanese tracks on the Agenda of the meeting.
The Secretary-General of the League of Arab States took part in the International Peace Conference in Annapolis, U.S.A.
The Secretary-General of the League of Arab States attended the International Donors’ Conference in Paris, France, devoted to offer support and assistance to the Palestinian National Authority.
The University Council at the level of Foreign Ministers held in extraordinary session, and discuss the situation in Lebanon, also held intensive consultations on the developments in the Palestinian territories in light of what has been agreed upon in Annapolis.
The President of Turkey visited the League of Arab States.
The Secretary-General attends the celebration on the occasion of declaring Damascus as the capital of Arab Culture for 2008.
The Secretary-General attends the World Economic Forum held in Davos, Switzerland, with the participation of more than 2500 personalities from 88 countries.
The Council of the League of Arab States, meeting at the ministerial level, under the chairmanship of Algeria, resumes its extraordinary meeting to consider the situation in Lebanon and the unfolding developments in Gaza and issues a resolution on the dangers of the Israeli aggression and the continuous blockade on the Gaza strip and the West Bank.
The Secretary-General of the League of Arab States reviews in Kuwait the on-going preparations for the First Arab Economic Summit to be hosted by Kuwait by the end of the year.
Introducing the "Arab Home" and opening of the exhibition on the history of Arab-Spanish relations at the Headquarters of the League of Arab States.
Visit of the King and Queen of Spain to the Headquarters of the League of Arab States.
The Secretary-General attends the Arab-European meeting in Malta.
The Council of Arab Ministers of Information, meeting in its extraordinary session at the Headquarters of the League of Arab States, adopts the document on draft principles for regulating radio and TV satellite transmission in the Arab region, to be used as a reference document by competent regulatory authorities in the member countries.
The Secretary-General visits Italy in the framework of promoting Arab-Italian relations.
The Arab League Council, meeting at the Foreign Ministers level, holds an extraordinary session to review the continuous Israeli aggression on Gaza Strip and the occupied Palestinian territories.
The Council of the League of Arab States, meeting at the Summit level, holds its 20th ordinary Session in Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic, and reaffirms the importance of settling intra-Arab disputes, the compliance of all Arab countries with the Arab Peace Initiative as a just and comprehensive package for the solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict, and warns against the persistence of the Israeli occupation authorities in their expansionist settlement policy and continuous blockade. It also reaffirms compliance with the Arab Initiative for the settling the Lebanese crisis and calls upon Lebanese political leaders to carry on with the election of the consensus candidate General Michel Suleiman as scheduled.
The Secretary-General attends the celebration of the 1200th Anniversary of the city of Fez, Morocco.
Visit of the President of the Czech Republic to the Headquarters of the League of Arab States.
Visit of the Prime Minister of Italy to the Headquarters of the League of Arab States.
Visit of the President of Ukraine to the Headquarters of the league of Arab States.
The Secretary-General the London Book Fair.
The Secretary-General visits Austria to promote Austrian-Arab relations.
The Secretary-General, attends the expanded meeting of Iraq's neighboring countries held in Kuwait.
The Secretary-General attends the Arab-American Economic Forum in Washington.
The Extraordinary meeting of the League of Arab States at the Foreign Ministers level requests immediate halt of violence and clashes in Lebanon to contain the Lebanese crisis. The Council also, denounces terrorists aggression launched on Khartoum by some armed factions in Darfur.
The Secretary-General attends the Arab Foreign Ministers' meeting on the French Imitative "Union for the Mediterranean" in Cairo.
The Secretary-General Lebanon and attends the investiture of the new Lebanese President Michel Suleiman.
The Secretary-General attends the Petra Conference, Jordan, hosting Nobel Prize Laureates in all specializations.
The League of Arab States participates in the Donor-countries meeting held in Vienna for the Reconstruction of Nahr Al Bared, Lebanon and surrounding areas.
The Extraordinary Gaza Summit meets in Doha to discuss the situation in Gaza amidst continuous Israeli aggression in the absence of a quorum and with the participation of 12 Arab States.
The Secretary-General visits the OIC Headquarters in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
The League of Arab States participates in supervising elections in Iraqi governorates.
The Secretary-General participates in the Inaugural session of the Twelfth African Union Summit held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In his address he stresses the importance of an integrated Afro-Arab area as well as Afro-Arab cooperation.
Opening of the Arabesque Festival for Arab world arts at the Kennedy Centre for the Performing Arts in Washington, USA, sponsored by the Arab League, in which 800 artists from different Arab countries participated.
The League of Arab States participates in the International Conference for Supporting the Palestinian Economy and the Rehabilitates of Gaza, held in Sharm Al-Sheikh, upon the invitation of President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt. The Conference emphasized full international support to the rights of the Palestinian people and the need to eliminate the effects of the Israeli aggression on Gaza.
The Arab League Ministerial Council holds its 131st Ordinary Session at its Headquarters.
The League of Arab States sponsors an Euro-Arab cultural evening at the Egyptian Opera House in Cairo.
The Joint Ministerial Council of Foreign Ministers of Arab States and of South American States meets to prepare for the Second Summit of the two regions.
The Secretary-General visits Sudan after the International Criminal Court in the Hague issue a memorandum for the arrest of President Omar Hassan Al-Bashir of Sudan accused of perpetrating genocide crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur.
Visit of the Foreign Minister of Hungary to the Arab League.
The Secretary-General participates in the inauguration of the national dialogue between Palestinian factions held in Cairo under the auspices of the Arab Republic of Egypt with the aim of restoring peace and unity to the Palestinian stance while confronting the serious challenges that threaten it. In his statement he emphasized that Palestinian reconciliation is considered the mainstay of Joint Arab Action.
The Secretary-General’s official visit to Iraq.
The Arab League Council meeting at the Summit level holds its 21st Ordinary Session in Doha under the Chairmanship of Qatar. It examines several Arab issues including the peace process and the issue of the Sudan. In conclusion it issues a document on Promoting Arab Reconciliation and Solidarity.
The Arab League Council meeting at the Summit level in Doha issues Resolution 483 requesting member state to pay their contributions for the support and financing of the initiative of H.H. Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Emir of the State of Kuwait regarding private sector small and medium scale projects in the Arab World.
The Second Summit of South American and Arab States is held in Doha. It emphasizes the need to pursue efforts to strengthen relations between both regions. It issues the "Doha Declaration" which includes agreement on several issues of common interest.
Visit of "Boris Tadić" President of Serbia to the Arab League.
The Secretary-General participates in the Second Forum of Alliance of Civilizations in Istanbul under the auspices of the United Nations. This initiative aims at encouraging dialogue between different cultures and understanding between the Western and Islamic Worlds. 84 countries and 16 international organizations participated.
Visit of the President of Cyprus Demetris Christofias to the Arab League.
Visit of the Foreign Minister of China to the Arab League.
The League of Arab States participates in supervising the presidential elections in Algeria.
Arab Peace Initiative Committee meets in Amman, Jordan, with the presence of the Secretary-General. It stresses the importance of activating the Doha Summit resolutions, promoting the Arab Peace Initiative and the two-state solution as a means to put an end to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
Arab Council of Ministers of Youth and Sports holds its 32nd Session in Cairo.
Arab Council of Ministers of Environmental Affairs holds its 21st session in Marsa Alam, Egypt.
The League of Arab States, General Secretariat takes part in the meeting of Arab Financial Institutions which appointed the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development as the official authority responsible for implementing the Initiative of the Emir of Kuwait to provide funds for supporting and financing the private sector small and medium scale projects in the Arab World.
Arab Ministers of Finance holds a meeting on the sidelines of the joint annual meetings of Arab Financial Institutions, and decide to establish a council of Arab Ministers of Finance and appoint the Arab Monetary Fund as its technical Secretariat.
The Arab Council of Ministers of Electricity holds its eith session and adopts the plan proposed by its secretariat on the follow-up of the Arab Economic and Social Development Summit Resolutions. The Council issues several resolutions to call on member states to speed up work for the completion and strengthening of their interval networks and to involve the private sector in projects related to establishing an Arab Market for Electric Power.
Visit of the Foreign Minister of Japan to the Arab League.
The Secretary-General participates in the World Economic Forum on the Middle East held in the Dead Sea region, Jordan in which 1300 participants from 80 countries took part.
The Arab Council of Ministers of Electricity holds its 8th session at the Headquarters of the Arab League.
The Arab Council of Ministers of Information and Communication holds its 13th session in Beirut, Lebanon.
The Arab Council of Ministers of Tourism holds its 12th session in Sana', Yemen.
Launching of the web site of the encyclopedia on "The Status of Women in Arab Legislations" at the Arab League Headquarters.
The technical secretariat of the Arab Council of Information Ministers holds a Task Force meeting assigned to put a plan for merging the polices and objectives included in the Kuwait Declaration into the Arab Information action.
The Secretary-General participates in the International Conference on Dialogue of Civilizations and Cultural Diversity held in Kairouan, Tunisia, on the occasion of declaring Kairouan as the Capital of Islamic Culture.
The Secretary-General attends the meeting during which the president of U.S.A. Barack Obama, delivered his speech to the Muslim World at Cairo University, Egypt.
The League of Arab States celebrates the declaration of Jerusalem as the capital of Arab culture for 2009 to assert the status of Jerusalem in the hearts of Palestinians and Arabs, and to call for consolidating Arab efforts to confront attempts that aim to uproot the Arab Palestinian identity of Jerusalem.
The League of Arab States takes part in supervising the elections of the Lebanese parliament.
The League of Arab League takes part in supervising the first and second round of the presidential elections of the Comoros.
European Union Senior Foreign Policy Coordinator Javier Solana visits the Arab League.
The Sixth Session of the Senior Officials meeting on Sino-Arab Cooperation Forum is held in Beijing. It emphasizes the keenness of member states to strengthen relations between both sides.
Visit of the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to the Arab League.
The Arab Ministerial Council for Water Resources holds its first session in Algiers and approves the executive plan of the comprehensive Arab Strategy project to confront water scarcity and realize sound management of available aquatic resources and the protection of Arab rights to water.
The Secretary-General attends in the inaugural session of the 13th African Union Summit held in Sirte which 47 African presidents attended. The S.G. emphasized that the challenges that confront the Arab and African worlds require constant consultation and coordination between the two organizations. He added that the Arab League will always be a partisan, supporter and partner of the African Union.
The Secretary-General attends the inaugural session of the 15th session of the Non-aligned Summit held in Sharm el-Sheikh in the Arab Republic of Egypt.
The League of Arab States participates in supervising the presidential elections in Mauritania.
The League of Arab States participates in supervising the parliamentary and presidential election in the province of Kurdistan, Iraq.
Concluding memorandum of Understanding between the Japanese government and the Arab League on holding an Arab-Japanese Economic Forum to activate and promote economic cooperation between the two sides.
The Arab League Ministerial Council adopts the Agreement on the Multi-modal Transport of good between Arab states.
The Arab League Ministerial Council approves the request of Japan to accredit its Ambassador to the Arab Republic of Egypt as Commissioner to the Arab League.
The League of Arab States participates in the 64th session of the U.N. General Assembly in New York.
The League of Arab States participates in a workshop on supervising elections between the Arab League and the European Union in Brussels.
Visit of the Foreign Minister of Poland to the Arab League.
General Secretariat organizes a photo exhibition at the Arab League, to commemorate Ghandi's birthday.
Visit of the Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic to the Arab League.
The Regional meeting of Partners for launching the water governance program in Arab states is held at the Headquarters of the Arab League.
Establishing a liaison office between the Arab League and the European Union in Malta to promote relations between the two sides.
Visit of the President of the Republic of Finland Tarja Halonen to the Arab League.
The League of Arab States participates at the Jerusalem International Forum held in Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco.
The Arab Council of Ministers Transport holds its 12th meeting at the Arab League, General Secretariat.
The League of Arab States participates at the World Food Security Summit held in Rome.
Visit of President of the Chinese States Council Wen Jiabao to the Arab League.
Meeting of the Arab Ministers in charge of migration and Expatriates Affairs at the Arab League Headquarters.
Arab Council of Ministers of Justice holds its 25th session in Cairo.
Visit of the Prime Minister of Spain to the Arab League.
The first session of the Arab-Japanese Economic Forum held in Tokyo, Japan.
The second session of the Arab-Turkish Cooperation Forum held in Damascus, Syria.
Visit of the Prime Minister of Slovenia to the Arab League.
The Secretary-General participates in the Climate Change Summit held in Copenhagen. He emphasized that Arab states like other developing countries, call upon developed countries to honor their commitments according to the Framework Agreement and Kyoto Protocol.
Visit of the Foreign Minister of Russia to the Arab League.
Arab Council of Ministers of Housing and Reconstruction holds its 26th session at the General Secretariat.
Visit of the Foreign Minister of Brazil to the Arab League.
The League of Arab States participates in the Secretary Council session on cooperation between the United Nations and regional and sub-regional organizations for the preservation of international peace and security held in New York.
The fifth general meeting of cooperation between the Arab League and the African Union is held at the General Secretariat headquarters.
The Arab Council of Ministers of Information holds its Extraordinary session at the Arab League Headquarter to discuss establishing an Arab Information Commission and emphasizes the continued efforts exerted by Arab states to combat extremism, violence and terrorism in addition to reinforcing freedom of information. It discusses the decision of the U.S. house of representatives on Arab Satellites Operators.
The Economic and Social Council holds its 85th Session in the State of Kuwait.
The League of Arab States participates in the "Club de Monaco" meeting held in Doha, Qatar.
The Secretary-General delivers a statement at the inaugural session of the 16th conference of the Arab Parliamentary Union held at the People's Assembly in Cairo.
The Arab League Ministerial Council holds its 133rd Ordinary Session of the General Secretariat.
The 14th Session of the Standing Committee for Afro-Arab Cooperation is hold in Cairo.
The Arab Council of Ministers of Health holds its 34th session at the General Secretariat.
The Arab League Council meeting at the summit level holds its 22nd Ordinary Session in Sirte, Libyan Jamahiriya.
The Arab Council of Ministers of Youth and Sports holds its 33rd Session in Marrakesh, Kingdom of Morocco.
The Fourth Session of the Ministerial meeting of the Arab-Chinese Cooperation Forum is held in China.
The Arab Council of Ministers of Tourism holds its 13th session in Alexandria, Egypt.
The Third Session of the Arab-Turkish Cooperation Forum meeting at the Ministerial level is held in Istanbul in parallel with the Fifth session of the Economics and Business group (Foreign Ministers and Ministers of Finance).
The 43rd Ordinary Session of the Arab Council of Ministers of Information is held at the General Secretariat.
The Arab Council of Ministers of Water Resources holds its 2nd Session at the General Secretariat.
The 15th Session of the Permanent Committee of Afro-Arab Cooperation is held at the General Secretariat.
The Arab Council of the Ministers of Information and Communication holds its 14th Session in Sana', Yemen.
The Secretary-General attends the inaugural session of the 15th African Union, Summit Kampala, Uganda.
The Secretary-General delivers a statement at the meeting of the African Union on promoting peace and security in Africa, Cairo.
The Secretary-General attends the Ambrosetti Forum organized by the European House in Cernobbio.
The Arab League Ministerial Council holds its 134th Ordinary Session at the General Secretariat.
The Secretary-General participates in the high-level meeting on the Sudan held in New York.
The Arab-Extraordinary Summit meets in Sirte and discusses enhancing joint Arab Action mechanisms and reforms of the Arab League, in addition to the document on the project of Arab neighborhood policy which includes the Arab League member states, plus Turkey and Iran.
The Arab Council of Ministers of Transport holds its 23rd session in Alexandria, Egypt.
The Arab Council of Ministers of Social Affairs holds its 30th session at the General Secretariat.
Eruption of the Tunisian revolution, known as the revolution of freedom and dignity, in solidarity with Mohamed Al-Bouazizy who burnt himself to express anger at his unemployment and mistreatment by the police leading to the downfall of the regime of President Zein Al-Abdin ben Ali who fled the country on the 14th of January 2011. The Tunisian revolution was the first in a series of revolutions in a number of Arab countries.
The Arab Council of Ministers of Justice holds its 26th session at the Headquarters of the Arab League.
The second session of the Arab Development Summit takes place in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.
Eruption of the Egyptian revolution in protest on deteriorating living and economic conditions, with the participation of many youth groups using social networks as Facebook and Twitter, opposition and independent movements leading to the ousting of President Hosni Mubarak on 11 February 2011, with the supreme Council of the Armed Forces taking over.
A popular uprising erupts in a number of eastern Libyan cities calling for political, economic and social reforms. It turns into an outright revolution leading to the downfall of the Qaddafi regime and the killing of Muammar Qaddafi by the rebels in Sirte on 20 October 2011.
The Arab Council of Ministers of Health holds its 35th session in Beirut, Lebanon.
The First Conference on Arab-Western Media Dialogue is held the title "A new era in Arab-Western Relations" at the Headquarters of the Arab League, with the participation of prominent Arab and European public figures.
The seminar on Sino-Arab Cooperation holds its second session in Manama, Bahrain and reaffirms in its final communique the importance of continuous dialogue and cooperation to promote Sino-Arab relations.
The Arab Council of Ministers of Health holds its 36th session in Geneva.
The ministerial Council of the Arab League holds an extraordinary session at its headquarters and decides, unanimously, to appoint H.E. Dr. Nabil El-Arabi as Secretary General of the League of Arab States as of July 1st, 2011.
The Arab Council of Ministers of Information Technology holds its 15th session in Beirut, Lebanon.
The Arab Council of Ministers of Water holds its third session at the Headquarters of the Arab League.
The League of Arab League attends celebrations of the creation of the State of South Sudan in the capital Juba.
The Secretary-General attends the 4th meeting of the international contact group on Libya held in Istanbul. In his address the S.G. commended the efforts of the members of the contact group to support and protect the Libyan people.
The Secretary-General strongly condemns the decision of the Israeli government to build 900 new housing units in settlements in the area of Gabal Abou-Ghoneim in Eastern Jerusalem.
The General Secretariat signs an agreement with 4.N.O.P for the implementation of the early warning room at the Headquarters of the Arab League.
Visit of the President of the Comoros, Ahmed Abdullah Mohamed Sambi, to the General Secretariat.
The Secretary-General visits Syria and holds talks with President Bashar Al-Assad on the Syrian crisis and the outcome of the the Arab League council meeting with regard to reaching a settlement of the crisis and ending violence and the agreement of the Syrian leadership to accelerate reforms.
The Ministerial Council of the Arab League holds its 136th ordinary session at the headquarters of the Arab League.
The Secretary-General attends the high level meeting on Libya, held at the U.N Headquarters in New York.
The Ministerial Council of the Arab League holds an extraordinary session on the developments in Syria.
The Arab Council of Ministers of Transport holds its 24th session at the Headquarters of the Arab League.
The ministerial committee on the Arab Peace Initiative holds a meeting in Doha, Qatar, under the chairmanship of its prime minister and minister of foreign affairs, sheikh Hamad Ibn Gassem Ibn Gabr Al Thani, and the presence of President Mahmoud Abbas of the state of Palestine and the Secretary General.
The Ministerial Council of the Arab League holds its resumed extraordinary session at its Headquarters and decides to suspend the participation of delegations of the Arab Republic of Syria to the meetings of the Council and of all affiliated organizations as of 16 November 2011, till all the pledges it undertook under the Arab plan of action for the settlement of the Syrian crisis, adopted by the Council on 2 Nov. 2011, are fully implemented.
Joint meeting of Ministers of Education in the Arab and South American countries is held in Kuwait, with a view disseminate information on education policies in the two regions.
The League of Arab States attends the Fourth Conference on the Alliance of Civilizations held in Doha, Qatar.
The Arab Council of Ministers of Social Affairs holds its 31st session in Beirut, Lebanon.
The Arab Council of Ministers in charge of the Environment holds its 23rd session at the Headquarters of the Arab League.
The Arab Council of Ministers of Electricity holds its ninth session at the Headquarters of the Arab League.
The Arab Council of Ministers of Transport holds its 24th session at the Headquarters of the Arab League.
The Arab Council of Ministers of Housing and Reconstruction holds its 28th session at the Headquarters of the Arab League.
The Arab Council of Ministers of Tourism holds its 14th session in Aqaba, Jordan.
The Arab Ministerial Committee on Syria meets in Cairo.
The Ministerial Council of the Arab League holds an extraordinary session in Cairo to follow-up the situation in Syria and to consider elements of the Arab plan to reach a solution to the Syrian crisis.
The Secretary-General presents his report on the Arab League observers mission in Syria, reaffirming that it is facing increasing difficulties as a result of developments on the ground and that the Syrian government is not fulfilling its pledges in an immediate and comprehensive manner.
The Secretary-General decides to suspend the work of the LAS observe mission in Syria after consultation with a number of Arab foreign ministers as a result of the deteriorating situation in Syria.
The Secretary-General attends the Security Council's session devoted to discuss the situation in Syria and calls for a S.C. resolution requesting all parties to agree on an immediate cease fire and to support the Arab plan of action for a peaceful solution of the crisis.
The Ministerial Council of the Arab League holds its resumed extraordinary session to consider the deteriorating situation in Syria and providing support to the budget of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA).
27th session of the Council of Arab Ministers of Justice is hold at the Headquarters of LAS.
The Secretary-General issues decision 68/1 to establish the crisis department within the organizational structure of the General Secretariat, whose job is to foretell, follow up and manage crises.
"Connect the Arab World" Summit meeting was held in Doha to promote LAS efforts to activate Joint Arab Action in the fields of economic and social development in addition to contributing in building an Arab Information Society that is open to current world developments.
The Ministerial Council of the Arab League holds its 137th Ordinary Session at its Headquarters in Cairo.
The Arab Council of Ministers of Health holds its 37th session in Amman, Jordan.
The League of Arab States celebrates the Arab human rights day.
The General Secretariat issues an obituary H. Holiness Pope Shenouda III, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the Order of St. Marcus.
The Council of the Arab League at summit level holds its 23rd session in Baghdad in the aftermath of unprecedented historical events that took place in the Arab region known as the "Arab spring".
The Secretary-General attends the international conference of the friends of the Syrian people held in Istanbul, Turkey.
The Arab Council of Ministers of Youth and sports holds its 35th session in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
The General Secretariat organizes the Award Ceremony to environment women leaders with the presence of the Secretary General.
The Arab Ministerial Council for the environment holds on extraordinary session in Cairo to prepare for the U.N Summit on sustainable development (Rio+20).
Launching of the web site on "The status of women in Arab legislation" at the Headquarters of LAS in the presence of the Secretary-General Dr. Nabil Al-Arabi and the Chairperson of the National Women's Council in Egypt, Mrs. Mervat Tallawi.
Third session of the Sino-Arab Media Cooperation Seminar, hold in Kuang-tchu, China. In its final communiqué the seminar emphasized the importance of strengthening media cooperation to promote the interests of the two peoples.
The Ministerial Council of LAS holds an extraordinary session in Cairo.
The Ministerial Council of the Arab League holds an emergency session to consider unfolding developments of the situation between the Sudan and South Sudan after the military aggression by the forces of South Sudan on the Higlig area in the Sudanese territory.
The Secretary-General attends the Ministerial meeting of the Friends of Yemen held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
The Arab Ministerial Council on Water holds its 4th session in Baghdad.
The fifth session of the Sino-Arab Cooperation Forum is held in Tunis, Tunisia.
The Ministerial Council of the Arab League holds on extraordinary session in Doha, Qatar.
The Arab Ministerial Council on Information Technology holds its 16th session in Oran, Algeria.
The General Secretariat issues a statement expressing its concern over the visit of Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadi nejad, to the UAE island of Abu Musa, which it considered unjustified and a flagrant violation of efforts exerted to find a peaceful solution of the conflict arising from the occupation by Iran of the three UAE islands.
The Arab Ministerial Council for Health holds its 38th session in Geneva.
The Secretary-General attends the special meeting on the question of Palestine and the Middle East held in Luxembourg with the participation of foreign ministers of Egypt, the U.S., Russian Federation, Jordan, Palestine, G.C.C. states, Iraq, Tunisia, Morocco and the E.U.
The Secretary-General attends the conference of the Syrian opposition factions held in Cairo under the auspices of LAS.
The Secretary-General attends the conference of the friends of Syria held in Paris.
The Secretary-General addresses the inaugural session of the African Summit in Addis Ababa, emphasizing the importance of strengthening institutions of joint African-Arab action and developing Afro-Arab partnership to face challenges and promote joint development.
The Ministerial Committee on the Arab Peace Initiative holds a meeting in Doha under the Chairmanship of Qatar.
The Ministerial Council of the Arab League holds its resumed extra-ordinary session in Doha, Qatar to consider developments in Syria.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria visits the Arab League.
Appointment of Lakhdar Al-Ibrahimi as special representa-tive of the U.N and the Arab League for the Syrian crisis.
The Ministerial Council of the Arab League holds its 138th ordinary session.
Dr. Mohamed Morsy, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, visits the Headquarters of the Arab League and addresses the inaugural session of the 138th session of the Council.
The Economic and Social Council at the Ministerial level holds its 90th Ordinary Session.
The Secretary-General, the Secretary-General of the OIC, the A.U. Peace and Security Commissioner and the E.U. high representative for foreign and security affairs issue a joint statement condemning actions affecting Islam and all forms of contempt of religious and reaffirm the importance of respecting all religions, prophets and God messengers.
The Secretary-General addresses the high level meeting of the security Council held in New York on the situation in the Middle East and the cooperation between the U.N. and the Arab League.
The Secretary-General attends the meeting of the friends of Yemen held in New York.
The League of Arab States signs a MOU with U.N.D.P. in implementation of the principle of cooperation and cooperation in fields of common interest.
The Third Summit meeting between Arab and South American countries is held in Lima, Peru.
The Secretary-General attends the international forum held in Istanbul, Turkey.
The Secretary-General attends the first summit on Arab-Asian cooperation held in Kuwait under the auspices of the Emir of Kuwait and the participation of 32 countries.
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