Higher Arab Institute of Translation / Institut supérieur Arabe de Traduction (ISAT)

ISAT is a scientific and academic body of the League of Arab States which was inaugurated in 2005 to promote translation into and out of Arabic and to teach translation and interpreting. The Institute offers a 2-year Master’s Degree in Translation, Interpretation or Translation Technologies, and in three languages: Arabic, French and English. Other languages will be introduced later.
The Institute is committed to using the latest techniques including high-tech language laboratories and interpretation booths. Research facilities, materials and computers are available to the students and workshops by specialists and experts in translation technologies are offered. ISAT allocates annually two scholarships to students from a designated Arab country that rotates every year.
ISAT provides paid high-quality services to other organisations relating to translation of from/to Arabic, English and French, including translation of documents, courses in techniques of interpretation and translation, languages for special purposes, and Arabic for non-native speakers, and consultancy for translation projects.
Within the framework of Algiers Arab Capital of Culture 2007, under an agreement with the Ministry of Culture ISAT has translated into Arabic more than 100 books, mostly by Algerian authors and in a wide range of subjects, from French, English and Tamazight.
B.P 165 Cité Malki, Ben Aknoune
Plenipotentiary Minister Dr Inam Bioud
Director General
Phone: +213 21 918612
Fax: +213 21 910066
Email: bioudam@yahoo.fr