General Secretariat of TBMM (National Palaces)

Istanbul, Türkiye

The Department of National Palaces, a unit within the structure of the General Secretariat of TBMM (Turkish Grand National Assembly), is commissioned to maintain, repair, restore and administer the affiliated palaces, pavilions, museums and factories in accordance with international museum and conservation standards. Today there are two palaces, two kiosks, eight pavilions, three museums and two factories within the National Palaces organisation founded in the early years of the Republic. The basic function of the department is the preservation and restoration of all of these structures and the historical objects they contain while being faithful to their cultural and historical backgrounds and to enable them to be visited by domestic and foreign visitors within the context of modern museum practice.

Dolmabahçe Sarayı
34357 Beşiktaş, Istanbul
T +90 212 236 90 00
F +90 212 259 32 92

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