State District Archive

Olomouc, Czech Republic

There are two archives in the depository at “U Husova Sboru Street” in the city of Olomouc: the State District Archives Olomouc and the Olomouc Branch of the Land Archives in Opava.

The public records and documents of the State District Archives Olomouc are broken down into separate categories: state administration, municipal administration and self-government of the Olomouc District. The oldest document in the archives, and the oldest city privilege of its kind in Czech Lands, is Uničov's city privilege dated 1223. Other categories contain court documents, those from economic institutions and documents connected with healthcare, schools or cultural institutions. Those documents that deal with different social organisations are of particular interest. Resources of local religious institutions, estates of significant people of the central Moravian region and some paperwork (engravings, photographs, maps, posters and so one) also provide rich material. The State District Archives Olomouc was established in 1960, when the resources of two traditional city archives (Olomouc and Uničov) and three minor county archives (Litovel, Olomouc and Šternberk) were incorporated into them.

The most valuable treasures of the Olomouc Branch of the Land Archives in Opava were created by the activities of religious institutions, which have been seated in Olomouc since the 11th century (Olomouc Bishopric and Archbishopric, Olomouc Metropolitan Chapter and others). The most valuable items among them – two documents issued by Bishop Jindřich Zdík in 1141 – are the oldest preserved original papers, which were elaborated in the territory of the Bohemian Kingdom by order of a clerical official. Another important element of the Olomouc Archives are the documents of the Jesuit College, established in 1566, especially its collection of theses in the form of graphic art from 1676–1745.

U Husova sboru 10
771 00 Olomouc
Czech Republic

T +420 585 236 101, 585 220 919
F +420 585 236 152, 585 236 153

Director of the Archives
Dr. Bohdan Kaňák
T +420 585 236 101
F +420 585 236 152

Chief of the Branch
Dr. Stanislava Kovářová
T +420 585 220 919
F +420 585 236 153

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