Museums' System of the Province of Bologna

Bologna, Italy

A museums’ network created by Provincia di Bologna, offering a virtual tour through over 100 museums within Bologna and the surrounding area from the Po Valley, and the verdant hills up to the Apennine Mountains. Many different collections have been gathered into one virtual museum, inviting visitors to discover a rich heritage along five thematic paths (Archaeology, Arts, History, Sciences and Identity), and four geographic routes (Bologna, Imola and its surrounds, the Plains, and the Apennine Mountains).

On the agenda, a rich menu to suit all tastes: an intriguing starter is offered by the Etruscan and Roman heritage, set against the vestiges of our prehistoric ancestors. The arts follow, including those of the Middle Ages, illuminated manuscripts; the genius of Vitale da Bologna and the world-renowned Bolognese painters, the Carracci to Giorgio Morandi; the tradition of excellence in music honoured by Mozart, Farinelli and Rossini. Then there is a focus on History with Bologna’s most ancient University and its undisputed supremacy in scientific investigation, encompassing Ulisse Aldrovandi’s herbarium as well as Galvani’s and Marconi’s experiments. Take in the captivating stories of Risorgimento (“Resurgence”) after almost four centuries of magnificent papal authority; the grand events of World War Two, for example the Autumn Campaign of 1944; the subsequent suffering of the people, the struggles and resistance. Last but not least, from those museums dedicated to rural and industrial archaeology, the identity and character of people as rooted in agriculture and handicrafts and the technological innovations of more recent times.

Via de’ Castagnoli, 3
40126 Bologna
T +39 051 6598470
F +39 051 6598884

Museums and Culture
Valeria Federici
T +39 051 6598454
F +39 051 6598884

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